

作者:洛阳市行政区划与地名研究会 日期:2021-03-22 人气:6150

保护单位:洛阳九朝文物复制品有限公司 2008年第2

传承人:国家级--200905 3批:高水旺

          --201212 3批:高顺旺

          --201610 3批:高贺、高龙山







Tang Tri-colored Glazed Pottery is one of the outstanding cultural heritages of the Tang Dynasty (618-907)in China, having a history of more than 3000 years. The so-calledTri-color"(three colors)refers to the decoration of yellow, green, and white glaze on the body to express the meaning of colorfulness. Because a large number of treasures of cultural relics unearthed in Luoyang, it is also known as "Luoyang Tang Tri-colored Glazed Pottery". Tang Tri-colored Glazed Pottery represents the highest achievement of ceramic art in the Tang Dynasty. These art treasures, reflecting the current lives of various social classes and people at that time, are important materials for our research on the history of the Tang Dynasty and Chinese ceramics and teaching materials for understanding ancient culture and revitalizing national culture. When the Longhai Railway was built to Luoyang, a large number of excavations of Tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty were carried out in 1899. A lot of ancient tombs and colorful pottery were discovered during the excavation of the roadbed, which was identified as being made in the Tang Dynasty and named as Tang Tri-colored Glazed Pottery according to their characteristics by experts. Through the development of professional technicians and folk artists, Luoyang Tang Tri-colored Glazed Potteries have been developed from the original simple imitation of horse and camel to the present thousands of varieties including human figures, animals, utensils, etc, which are sold all over the world. The Project of Firing Technique of Tang Tri-colored Glazed Pottery have participated in national Intangible Cultural Heritage Exposition on behalf of our province many times.